Sing Along Rock-n-Roll


belly full of beer
Here are a few tracks from a recording session I did last weekend for some buddies of mine.
They play a kind of Heartbreakers/Dolls/Saints sort of thing

I dont have a recording room (im in an apartment) and the band lives about 90 miles away, so we used another groups practice space in Chicago.

I miced up the band and they played live in the same room I was monitoring in. We turned the amps away from the drum kit, but there is still some bleed through in all the microphones.
After tracking the music we dubbed the vocals seperatly with headphones, when the vocal tracks are soloed you can hear everyone (myself included) shooting the shit in the back ground.

All in all it turned out pretty decent.

If anyone is interested i can be more specific on mics and stuff.

thanks for the listen,
The Live feel of the music struck me immediatly,this to me is a good thing.Most of the recording I've done has been done in the exact same manner as you described,so with the projects I've been involved in it meant many takes and lots of play-listen ,play listen,etc...Totally cool,dude!!!!Gonna stay in my perm files

I agree that it has a live feel to it.

I like it when recordings capture bands in a raw sort of way.
It seems that with most bands im into, i dig bootlegs of their demos as much as their LP's.
The New York Dolls first album is in my top 10 favorites of all time, but I also have every demo the band ever made and like them just as much. The songs are all the same, but the less polished feel of the demos kills me.

thanks for listening,

rodvonbon :cool:
hey Roddy,

you weren't kidding about that NY Dolls thing. These guys sound awfully familiar....

actually listened to all three. Bass guitar stands out nicely.

Did you mic an amp for the vox? That's a neat trick I heard some similar bands use.

BTW, I'm in Chicago. where might I see this Spokesmen band? a name like The Spokesmen makes it kinda hard to search for them on Google.

This is the true spirit of Rock and Roll. Man they dont play it like this anymore. Are there any true garage bands anymore??? This is garage band rock the way it used to be played...the way it should be played. I would like to hear a little more "bite" on the guitars so that it would truly be "hard and fast"
Great stuff!!!!

Yeah, you can hear the Dolls in there, alot of bands to this day are still influenced by them.

The bass was miced with an Octava mk319 into a ART tube pac. It captured the shitty Peavey amp nicely :D

The vocals were done with a Studio Projects B3. I ran it into the same ART pre amp as the bass and overloaded. Only the natural distortion from the pre is on these songs(i think).
All totaled they did 10 songs and there are some others that I ran the vocals through a Fuzz box plug-in or re-routed it through a second ultragain tube pre and cranked the warmth knob.

The band is from Rockford. They played as the Stellas at the Mutiny before but i dont think they have played in town too muchsince then. The Beat Kitchen has alot of rock-n-roll bands, and ive got a couple of buddies that book over there, so im gonna take a full length copy of this stuff to them and give em a hand getting shows.
Searching for them on the web will be fruitless. If i didnt take it upon myself to even put this stuff up im sure it would never have gotten there. I may put some other songs up this week.;)

Do you currently play in a Chicago band? If yer into the same stuff i would be interested in hearing it.

thanks for listening,

P.S. The Blackhawks are not in last place!:p
King Elvis,

more bite would be nice, but both guitars were played with soooo much reverb it was getting annoying so I backed them down a bit.

The guitar on the left was a mexi tele going through my cyber twin set to a 65' delux reverb, and it doesnt make so much of a tone as it makes a sound.
The right guitar is a thinline tele going into a hot rod de ville and the reverb is way up, its a great tone.

Check back at the bands link, im gonna put more songs up this week.

Well, I added another song this morning. "Outta my mind" is the new one, its more garage rock sounding.

Bigus Dickus- Wich song did you listen to? glad you liked it, I will pass along the complement.
