since I was 17


New member
Hi there. I recorded half this song about a month ago, somewhere in Spain. I`m just trying to pick up the pieces and finish off a few of these songs. So I`ve added bits and bobs.

Anyway, I`m not sure about this song. I dont know if I like it at all. After about three listens, I dont mind it.

Could you check it out and tell me what you think? The quality is bad or perhaps just a little strange because its a mixture of guitar and vocal recorded outside in Spain and now inside in Scotland.

17. Seventeen

You gave yourself a 'thumbs up'...

You probably rated yourself too.

You Scottish freak.

I haven't listened probably all of your music.


Hi sloop. Thanks for checking it out so quick. My ears are pretty fried with this song. Thanks man.

Ped. Nice, Banter is such fun. You crazy dutch bastard. :D


ps. cheers for the stars!
Nice sounding guitars. I liked that little clean guit on the left. Nice melody and harmonies.

Little rhythm problem at :51? Something seemed to skip.

Nice one.
thanks tripleM

I`ve been trying to record guitar in stereo, perhaps thats why. As far as the skip, ?. There is definately all sorts of thumps and warts in this and god only knows were the`ve come from. Theres spanish thumps and scottish thumps. Nice.b Cheers.
Cool as always mate!
You really stretch the limits of your 25 Euro mic...
My little sister just walked in the room and heared the tune, and asked if you're planing to tour worldwide... :D

Keep it up!

I like the song. Nice harmonies. It's got a very high pace so something like a guitarsolo would be nice as a break to slow things down. hope you know what I mean. If not, just remember that I like this song.
Nice work again. Harmonies and guitar playing were very nice. I would have like something to fill up the low end, but I know your limitations.

It's another good song. Real listenable. Good work.

Oren man. Good to hear from you. I hope to have the CD done by the weekend. Thats a start. Cheers.

Laynestaley. Yeh cheers. I know what you mean, It does go alittle fast. Thanks for checking it out.

skids. Nice one man. Yeh, I actually tryed to put a bass on with this bass guitar effect, it would sound good but this effect doesnt. Thanks for listening.

Cheers guys

Very nice, Erland. 3 comments, Sounds like some kind of effect on the second guitar. Distortion, but not clipping. Is that a pickup, or did you add it on purpose? Second, with a bunch of verses and a chorus that's similar, add a bridge so it doesn't get repetitive. Third, open your mouth wider and pronounce all the words bigger, and you'll get more intelligible without resorting to EQ. Keep it coming. Obviously you do a lot of recording while traveling. What are you using for gear?-Richie
Erland -- What are we going to do around here when you are gone being a famous singer/songwriter? Will you remember us all here at HR? :)

Another excellent one! The balance between the highs and lows may be eq'ed just a tad better (wish I had advice on how to do it...)

Great song!

Very nice Vocal phraseing and use of simple harmony. I dig it very much man. I like the contrast of the guitar played at the bridge. It does something for me. Very Nice work.
Ah... "alo-en" == alone... :) There goes that Scottish accent... that's
probably the first time I've heard it in all your stuff I've heard.

Great emotion. Wow. As a group, we gotta make sure more people hear you and shoot some dough your way... if you're not making a living doing this, at least eventually, it's a damn shame.

Nice job as usual :D.

I like the song, voice, playing...

Vocal sounds a little thin/crispy to me (keep in mind I'm listening to cans at work).

Nice work when is this CD coming out? Sign me up :D