Simultaneous inputs on Digi 003r


New member
How many inputs can you record with simultaneously on the 003 w/ 4 d/i inputs and 4 xlr inputs. In other words, is it possible to use mic input 1 and line input 1 at the same time while recording? I don't own one yet so I was hoping to find this out in order to decide to get the 003 or 003+. Thanks
You can record 8 tracks simultaneously using the mic and line inputs. You can record 16 total if you also use the ADAT inputs.

The 003+ will give you eight preamps, the 003 will only give you 4. For the line input's you will need to have a preamp going into the line in. So if you get the 003 you would need 4 external preamps to record 8 simultaneous tracks.

If you don't have any preamps, maybe an 003+ would be a good choice you need more than 4 simultaneous tracks.
Thankfully, you're here. :)

You know some ppl are new 2 the whole recording thing and your post did nothing 2 help him obtain the answer. If you are trying 2 bash and not be helpful this is the wrong place for you so please go do this on another forum 2 build your post count up there.

Also, before you try and start bashing me if you would've said your remark and then answered his question (which had already been answered) then it would've been somewhat better.
on the 003r you can do 4 XLR or 1/4 inch inputs using the built in pre-amps. an addition 4 1/4 inch inputs using the addition line ins.

you can add 8 more line ins/pre amps via Light Pipe/ADAT and 2 more via SPDIF for a total of 18
