Simultaneous Compu Mix in Cubase for Vs 1680 and 1880


New member

I am running Cubase 3.65 and recording on a Roland VS-1680 and a VS-1880. I want to set up a mixer map for both Roland machines separately, and then do compu-mix on both from Cubase.

Here is the problem, Cubase only sends sych data through one midi port at a time. This requires that I chain the 1680 and the 1880 through one midi port. Additionally, the 1680 and the 1880 are not designed to be on seperate midi channels (their mixer information is hard wired to specific midi channels on each machine). Given this situation, I can not control both the 1680 and the 1880 from Cubase. For example, any time I send a sys-ex message to, let's say, change a fader position on the 1680 it will also do it on the 1880. A real problem in compu-mix.

If anyone has any thoughts, let me know.

(You know it would have been nice if Cubase had been designed so it could send sync date over more then one midi port at a time).


Fresno Cal.

P.S. As always, i disavow any spelling or syntax errors in the above.