Simple wall plate ?


New member
I just need like 6 XLR's to go through one wall, do you guys put the plates on both sides of the wall and then just plug into them matching up both sides? Any info at all or links relating I'd appreciate. I'm in the progress of framing a small live room and I need to be able to get cords through the wall but I want it looking professional. I can't imagine recording more than 6 mics at one time in this "live" room ever.

Can anyone drop some knowledge on me about how wall plates are done, what I should look out for... any way to do it really cheap? Or maybe a XLR snake would suffice better through the wall?

I'll upload pics soon of the construction.

I need the cheapest possible method of getting wires into the room. I can't believe how expensive some of these wall plates are! lol
I should also say, that if it's not plug and play I know very little about it. I have soldered in middle school and looked up how to do it properly online so I can get away with it but I need the simple 101 on what is really needed. I thought I could buy something already wired front and back and mount both sides to the wall and just plug and play whats needed. It doesn't seem thats the way it's done. For what I'm doing it seems that, that's all I need really.

I seen one studio that has 16 channels on each wall. My question to that is since everything is hardwired and can't be rewired easily what if they decide they want to use a different preamp on a XLR channel and it's already wired to a different one?

Or are they all only wired to patch bays and rerouted as necessary? I don't get it.

Again, if anyone has any reading specifically on that topic I'd love it. I don't get how that's done.
Hmm... maybe I might get help if I say what I'm trying to do.

I basically just have one small room for recording guitars, drums, vocalists. I need to be able to record 2-4 mics simutaneously (if even) and be able to have upto 4 headphones plugged in.

The biggest part of my confusion comes from not knowing what type of wires or snakes to use for the MIC inputs and the headphone inputs.