Simple Reason Question


New member
I have a couple of things in my song that i want to pan left and right.
But remix only gives me one panning control.
I know i can totally duplicate say the subtractor and make two of them so they both can have a channel. I was wondering is there another way around this? There has to be something.
There is a complicated way to do this. Send your master channel l and right into you aux send 1-1. Aux return into the send 2-2, use to tracks with the aux up and pan one left and one right :). There is otherways and that way may not work if you not familier with rpograming reason like that. Hope this helps.

Slinky3 said:
I have a couple of things in my song that i want to pan left and right.
But remix only gives me one panning control.
I know i can totally duplicate say the subtractor and make two of them so they both can have a channel. I was wondering is there another way around this? There has to be something.
Use the 'Spider Audio merger and splitter'.

Hit the Tab key to turn the rack around and plug the Subtractor into the top left jack labeled 'L/mono'. This will bring the mono sound of the Subtractor out of both the left and right outputs of the Spider Audio and you can send them to consecutive channels on the Remix or you can get creative and put one side into, say, a DDL-1 delay unit. Bring the dry Subtractor signal into the first remix channel, then the delay into the second and play with the settings on the delay until you find something that fits the song you're working on. The other side of the Spider Audio could also go into a Chorus/Flanger, a Phaser, a Unison module, an RV7000 reverb or even a Scream 4 Distortion.
