simple pitch correction that can be used on Cubase 5LE ?


New member
Free or cheap =good.
LE doesn't have the pitch correction plugin that Cubase 5 has.
Is there something that I could use with cubase 5LE? Cheap easy simple free is best.
Just want to tweak slightly out of tune vocals a bit.
Melodyne Essential!

If it's only a track or two I don't mind doing it for you, just PM me.
I appreciate the offer but I want to get something in place that I can use all the time. Good suggestion I'll probably pay the $70 and have it. I'm downloading a trial version right now.
Yes you are correct Bane01 Is it a big difference between the two? as long as it does pitch correction I'm fine with it.

Mo Facta I tried to down load GSnap and for some reason I'm not able to get it to open and install. I'll try again later. I'm a computer dummy.
Yes you are correct Bane01 Is it a big difference between the two? as long as it does pitch correction I'm fine with it.

Mo Facta I tried to down load GSnap and for some reason I'm not able to get it to open and install. I'll try again later. I'm a computer dummy.

It is 32bit, so if your host doesn't support/bridge, you will have issues getting it to load if you are on 64bit host.
Melodyne Essential has pitch correction and quantization on a monophonic level.

The better versions have polyphonic capabilities, pitch modulation, pitch transitions, formants, pitch drift, attack time, and advanced timing tools. All of these are great to have (you find out why very quickly) but you do get the same pitch shifting capabilities in Essential.
And free is always great, but I would bet that Melodyne's algorithms are much superior to anything free out there. To my ear, Melodyne sounds better than MPEX or DIRAC pitch shifting.
DM60 thanks for that info. Yes 64bit

Bane01, ok thanks. Wow big difference in price between the two. (i'm cheap)
I was able to do harmonies from the original vocal track with editor, can't do that with essential correct?
If you make a duplicate track you should be able to make harmonies no problem. All of the pitch shifting capabilities except polyphony are present in Essential. It's those other tools that are not included.

I would recommend using Melodyne as the standalone app, mainly so you don't have to manage the grids the way that is required as a VST. What happens is you cannot navigate in the Melodyne grid (although it is synced) but rather restricted to Cubase's. The result is very difficult to work with being that you are editing in Melodyne and not in Cubase. Also your zoom levels are also affecting your Rewind and Fast Forward controls as usual, which is most annoying. That's why I would recommend you bounce your vocal track and use the standalone to pitch correct, then save your work and reimport into Cubase.

For multiple passes also note that you can save what are called MPD files in the standalone. This is to Melodyne what a CPR is to Cubase, so that Melodyne doesn't have to reanalyze the file every time and burn the results to a WAV file.
Hey thanks folk. I think I'm pretty much sold. Might as well use the free editor for 30 days then buy the essential.