Simple Newbie Question


New member
I just got the omnistudio for xmas and i don't currently have any monitors and i was just wondering how i monitor using headphones? I plugged them into the headphone jack in front but nothing happens when i play. I also tried them in the monitor inputs and nothing. Am i missing something? thanks
disregard that first question...i am an idiot. But I do have another quick question. I have my mic plugged into input 1 and guitar input 2 and i can only hear the mic in one ear and the guitar in the other. I am not using stereo cables if that matters. My question is: is this standard? or can i adjust this. Thanks
What program are you recording into?

Do you have your settings panned?

Are the mic and guitar seperated when you play back the recorded material?
It's because each input uses a mono channel, and input 1 goes to out 1, in 2 goes to out 2 etc.

If you had a mixer you could route your output through that and possibly hear each input on both sides. I've never worked out how to do it tho