Simple Mixer


New member
Greetings :),

I am new here and have no experience/knowledge in DJ Gear. I am in the market for music equipment for church. I will be getting the following powered speakers: Behringer B215D 15" 550 Watt and Auro D415A 12" 400W/Behringer B215D 12" 550W. I have a Samson Q8 microphone. After extensive research it came down to these four mixers (for sound enhancement): Samson MDR624, Behringer 1202(1202FX), Wharfedale R200 and Soundcraft Notepad 124(124FX). Which mixer from these four would you recommend (you may suggest any mixer for this purpose) and will this mic suffice for this purpose? The microphone, powered speakers and mixer are needed for talking/preaching.

Another thing, if I want to record live sermons/speech, what do I need to get?

Thank you for reading.
The Soundcraft is probably the better quality one on your list. None of them are DJ mixers, they are small PA/recording mixers. The mic you have should be fine.

Why do you need two different brands of similar speakers?
I hope I understand your question. I am definitely getting the Behringer B215D, 15", 550 Watts. I will then have to choose between the 12" Samson AURO D415A and Behringer 12" B215D (550 Watts). These 2 speakers are the same price, and I couldn't make up my mind on which to get. Actually now I am thinking about it and it is obvious that I might need to go for the 12" and 550W, for the extra power. By the way, thanks for the reply.
I still don't quite get what your plans are for the various speakers. Normally you would use one matching pair aimed at your audience. If necessary another, perhaps smaller, speaker might be used for the talker to monitor himself. What do you plan for the various speakers you list? (By the way, all the speakers you list are 15" as far as I can tell.)

There's a lot more to choosing speakers than watts. How loud they get, how good they sound and how reliable they are should be primary considerations.
I thought the speakers could come in handy as the church grows and there is a need for a church choir. And again, sometimes the church service will be held in an open area and the preacher has to be heard audibly by everyone (a group of 300 to 500 people).

I am still going to test the speakers at the shop. I only knew about them through Internet research.
Ok thanks. I thought this whole thing was going to be an easy project. It looks like I will need 2 speakers of the same kind.