Simple mastering for my mix


New member
Ok, I've got my mix sounding how I want it and all the songs laid out in CDarchitect how I want them. Basically, all I want to do now is make them all an even level and get that level loud enough for a final master. I'm sure that includes normalization and some limiting, but I need a little help on getting it to that point without clipping or distorting. Any help would be GREAT! Thanks in advance.


I've got sonar 3.0, sound forge, and cd architect... that's it.

Can I not do it with any of those??
13th_Omen said:
What does the L1 or L2 do exactly?
The L1, L2, and Wave Hammer are all Limiters that basically allow you to adjust the dynamic content of the material relative to the overall loudness. (ie you can trade-off musical dynamics for overall level.... a little generally goes a long way, but these processors are essentially what the "level wars" are all about... current trends are to crush the life out of the material completely, in favor of more volume.)