Simple for U maybe.......


New member
Ok, call me stupid here or what. I'm trying to send a song I recorded via E-mail, to someone. The song is in MP3 format in my I-tunes library. I'm not getting it. I'm trying to send it as an attachment but no such luck. Any suggetions??
Yours or their ISP may have a limit on the size of attachments that you are allowed. Easier way is to upload it to a web server and send them the link.
Size matters but where do you encounter the prob: at the attachment stage, at the sending stage or is it not being received?
Answers to the above may lead to a better diagnosis & solution.
Michael does have a point & it is often the case though I often send single MP3s via email attachment to friends with no problem.
Simple stuff...

I got it, figured out how to do it....wish I had faster hookup though.....sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!