Simple acoustic


New member
sorry about that folks, the pc restarted as i was posting.

this is my 1st real effort at using my 4 track from a few months back. Very simple, me on acousticm, a friend singing. Its called "Sweet suburban skies" by an irish guy called paddy casey.
The vocal mic was shure 58 and the acoustic was plugged in directly. No overdubs, all one take.

I just literally put it into goldwave & did a little noise reduction.
Nothing else.

I'm having probs with my speakers so I think there may be a prob with the levels. Any input welcome.I know its no masterpiece!!




I couldnt get it to play. Then it started to play out of one speaker only. I'll try again later.
go here first:

Let the page load, then paste the following after the last forward slash:


This is because they don't allow direct linking for some reason.

Great tune dude! The reverb and such is mostly coming out from the right speaker however and the bulk of the tune is coming from the left. Gives it an older sound to it.
Nice sound on the acoustic. Being a guitar fan, i would have liked it a little louder.. but that's just me... not you.
Good voice.

I wouldn't mind putting this mp3 in my personal archive .. but that's stealing. Nevertheless, I'll be checking your site out later.
thanks for the directions, tvaillan

yeah..the sound is all on the left. Nice fingerpicking gtr....and the voice too.
Your playing/singing deserves a better recording...go for it!
Put your left foot in!

cheers for the feedback guys.

tvaillan - thanks for figuring that out for me. I stupidly didnt even check out if it actually would download or not!

please DONT check out my site. Its useless, I made it ages ago & am a bit embarrased about it really. I might redo it and make it kind of a music/guitar/recording site instead. I've 6 months work experience starting in march so I might use some company time :)

because of my speaker problem I didnt realise that the left channel was sending out a diff sound to the right...i really need speakers that work! I actually panned everything centrally on my 4 track so i dunno why theres nothing coming out the right channel. Can anyone with a but more experience tell me where I went wrong?

thanks for the compliments, i only wish i could write a song like that myself. U never know though so I'll keep plugging away.

I thought the guitar coulda been louder myself but i was too happy just to have a track of my own to put on a cd i didnt bother changing it! Do whatever you want with this track tvaillan, thats why its on here. Fuck with it, burn it, laugh at it..its up 2 u!

Does anyone have any tips on how to get a fuller sound on the acoustic (A deeper bassier(if thats a word) sound)? Also would a bit of chorus suit it too?

Thanks loads for checking it out guys!
