Silvertone SQ6000 Dynamic Microphone


New member
"Silvertone SQ6000 Dynamic Microphone", that's what is says on a thin gold band. There's an on/off switch and it uses a "locking" XLR connection. The Silvertone is in the script like you'd see on a guitar or amp but I haven't been able to find anything about them having ever made microphones. Is this like the Craftsman of microphones? :D

Anyhoot, I saw this on Craigslist and had $15 burning a hole in my pocket. If nothing else it'll be good for Roger Daltry imitations ;)
I have some mics that look Exactly like that one but are branded something like "Amikliv 1" or something like that, they are OK mics, I use them on Drums and get an OK sound....
