Signal splitters?

I need *something* to split a signal coming from a mic, to go to 2 seperate mixers (each mixer has its own micpre)...

What are my options, which brands, what costs, pros, cons,... Experiences?

Calling JGourd...

Gordo had a setup like that at the jamfest. He had 16 splitters running at once...

Thanks to Gordo I know that these thinks exist!!! I need them for my new gig... I'm running a laptop with Ableton Live, and this allows me to play with live musicians on a improvisational base. And I can record and loop them while playing. But to do that with FOH mixing, I need splitters...
This is what JGourd is using... Seems cool to me, but its above my budget. I found another one at a German online shop, for about half the price! I mailed them to get some more info, there's not enough on the site, and it's a housebrand...