*sigh* another siab question?.....


New member
ok...surprise! surprise! i am posting in the newbie forum with another question regarding some of those decent and affordable siabs (meaning the boss br1180, the yamaha aw16g, the akai dps16, the fostex vf160 or any others if anyone has any suggestions) i have done plenty of research on all of the above mentioned boxes and have yet to figure this out. in manning's article about getting a vintage sound, he mentions copying your vocal track and offsetting it a few milliseconds (a process i am familiar with through using tape and having that slight, inevitable, yet serendipitous error that comes with it), but i was wondering if i could perform such editing within any of these boxes, or if i would have to send it to a computer first, and edit it there. please don't laugh at me. :(

also, i suppose while i am talking about the *gasp* siabs, does anyone know of anybody who has anything they have recorded solely on any of these machines posted anywhere?

thanks for the help

btw, much props to you, manning1. are you trying to get some kind of publishing deal? ;)
i have no idea why you want a standalone recorder.
the standalones have several weaknesses vs pc.
1. not as flexible
2. invariably difficult to upgrade as new hard drive technologies mature like sata etc
3. i had a problem getting service once. chips no longer made.
by comparison the pc offers so much more flexibility.
i understand some folks are "scared" of the pc and have heard horror stories. but these are often due to either nincompoops thinking they can build systems or ....well never mind.
my daw runs day in day out no problems. and i dont even run the new 3ghz yet.
well - on publishing deal. ive just got a record deal with a label.
if someone pays me i'll write a book on recording.....
i rather like "Down and dirty recording tricks from the trenches".