Shuttle Baby


New member
Ive done searches on this and other sites and i was really amped up to buy a laptop, then i saw the SHUTTLE pc and i think i just wanna go with that a maybe a LCD. I am a biology major and know nothing of actually hands on building a computer so iwas wondering if there is a good place to order a SHUTTLE PC piece by piece and have everything already installed. Since I am in college by budget isnt the biggest, but i have over a grand to spend...

any help is appreciated...
after providing the link I discovered what a shuttle pc is as they have at vitality. Rather cool, but I myself would prefer a tower.
This place I buy stuff from called used to have them and you could buy the barebones or config it. Not sure if they still have them since their web site is down. Otherwise a place like New egg has them in barebones and you could build your own easy enough.

Here's the link about buying a pre built one. The company is in
Madison, WI and would be a 3 day ship via UPS or FedEx. A nice thing about this company is you can call them to order and ask questions.
Will check out the links
Thanks for the replys

To let you all know, I really just want it to run REASON and SAMPLETANK 2 with my Edirol PCR30

If this helps anything
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