Shure 451


New member
Someone on Craigslist was selling a couple of Shure mics, so I asked which ones. S/he responded they were 451's. Now, I've heard of AKG 451's, but not *Shure* 451's. I've asked the three friends of mine who know the most about recording, explaining that the seller said they were "ancient" mics (although they do work).

So... Has *anyone* here ever heard of Shure 451's? How good are they? What are they used for? What would you pay for one?

OrganMiscreant said:
Someone on Craigslist was selling a couple of Shure mics, so I asked which ones. S/he responded they were 451's. Now, I've heard of AKG 451's, but not *Shure* 451's. I've asked the three friends of mine who know the most about recording, explaining that the seller said they were "ancient" mics (although they do work).

So... Has *anyone* here ever heard of Shure 451's? How good are they? What are they used for? What would you pay for one?

I've never heard of Shure 451's before, but that doesn't mean there are none.

Checkout the Shure website...

And the Shure discontinued products...