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Murdock Jones

New member
I know we got a pretty wide geographic representation in here. Here's a question I want to pose to everyone. I'm in Colle' Park, GA (that's the Southside of tha A, for those who didn't ask somebody) and support for the little guy is real good, even though everybody and their cousin got a studio/group/act. Do the people round your way (in your neighborhood, your school, your city, cell block, or whatever) support the small independent artist by buying their CDs, and playing it???
In the BAY, it is a lot different. If you want to get plays on the radio, you need to pay. If you know a DJ, you might be able to get a spin, but it's not always true. And, no one really supports eachother like down south. Everyone has their own group and that's the way it is. It's more divided. We find it harder to get known and break an act out here... I get more work and colabs with people outside the Bay then I do in my own town. It's to bad. And you really can't sell tracks out here like you can in Atlanta, LA, or NY. Most of our sales come from outside the Bay. But, don't get me wrong, there's talent in the Bay. We just need to help eachother out and colab more...

The way we work now is if a person dosen't want to colab or get help, we keep it movin.
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In Oklahoma it's like that too. People come to me for beats and guest appearances on tracks because the beats speak for themselves. Some only come to see if I'll give free handouts, which ain't me. Now I'm all for trading services (like say I'll produce your track if I can be featured on it and I get credit for it), but I've done most of my business out of state too. If you wanna make money here you HAVE to hustle and hit up spots to even get heard. If you know some radio DJs you MIGHT get spin or connections...if your shit stacks up. See most of the music I've heard here is sub-par. Nothing original, same bullshit. My native state of Texas (at least Dallas, dunno about H-Town) is the same but worse because everybody either thinks they can rap and they're the next undiscovered legend OR they think they're sitting on million dollar beats made with pawn shop drum machines and no knowledge of how to make a decent beat and record it. Luckily, I've got connections in and out of both states to help push product for me when I'm ready. It's a tradeoff, they push me, I push them. I make friends who are willing to push for me in and out of state solely out of support. Hustle Magic, another idea to cross promote and have everyone self promote at the same time. Free music, free promotion.

My whole motto is if you're serious and want good product, break a little more bread and holla at me, you might learn a thing or two. If you want half-assed rushed shit, go pay the guy who'll do it for $20 a track. You get what you pay for and people know when you're serious about your music.
As far as the Bay area, I know it was a minute ago, but didn't P, E-40, Hammer and even firther back, Short get thier start out of the trunk with local hand to hand support?

And as far as OK, I would think that an area that doesn't have national representation would support locally. Guess I was wrong huh?
You would think that was true but people get greedy and egos come into play. Everybody over here thinking they can "get Oklahoma on the map." lol. Oklahoma ain't meant to be on the map. This is where people hide out and do drugs...there's a lot of big names who tell people to come here to duck the laws and shit. Me myself, I'm here because I'm not big on living in Dallas anymore and this is a good place to start up a music shop and stand out above the rest if your music's up to snuff and original. I don't got an ego or get greedy. I just do what I gotta do to make the track bang and then the beat speaks for itself. If it doesn't rub one person the right way, it will rub another person the way I want it to. I think that's what makes me stay aiight since I don't focus 100% on dollar amount and popularity.

Folks around here just tryin' to make decent tracks for the cheapest tag on the block. Not saying all of the music I've heard is bad, but most of what I've heard could be better. I get more people interested in different states anyhow.
Murdock Jones said:
As far as the Bay area, I know it was a minute ago, but didn't P, E-40, Hammer and even firther back, Short get thier start out of the trunk with local hand to hand support?
And as far as OK, I would think that an area that doesn't have national representation would support locally. Guess I was wrong huh?

Ya, back in the day the Bay was big and people helped each other. It's kind of different now. We'll at least from what I seen lately. It's just frustrating on how some cats are unprofessional. You know, an artist will come up and say, "Man those are hot beats, I need to do business with you." They'll book a week of studio time and not even show up or call. I'll leave one message and that's it. When that happens, I never call back and I'll never give them a session again. They made me loose money. And I would have even gave them a hook up. They blew it! And that was a major artist in the Bay that did that. I won't name names.

Hey, I'll give a beat if I get a free flow and so on. But, artists want the paper, not to colab and trade offs. It's how it is...

I now have artists that used to go to the big studios where the big artits record. They come to me because I don't play around, I'm about business, I give the quality, and respect.

And another reason the Bay isn't on the national tip right now is because people show no support anymore out here like they used to. And the grind is different... What I would give to see the MC Hammer days again!

It's like this. Say we want to hook up and colab with artists. We'll do trade offs and so on. But, cats never call back and so on. Then you get fed up and start selling tracks in LA, Atlanta, and NY. You get more love from other places then your home town. You get a big name and get signed. The exact cats that didn't want the hand outs or just never contacted you will make it seem you left the Bay and hated.

Now, I'm NOT SAYING ALL THE ARTISTS are like that. There are some cats that do good business. I'll work with them to the end! You know who you are...
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True it also depends on what type of cats you mess with. If someone booked and didn't show I'd do the same thing. That tells me they're not as serious as they let on to be. I don't have time to waste on them when there's people willing to put in work and break bread at the same time. I bust mine on my beats and if cats can't do the same on their music, sorry for 'em.
sup fam,
first off the YAY AREA is boiling right now. the radio is finally showing local love. and we got a big stupid dumb get retarted hyphy scene boiling right now.
if it goes national , we'll see. but the cats that our on the radio have been doing this for some time and they deserve there time .as for other local support you got to go out and get it, like anywhere, else there is hella competition every one is making beats and rapping. i was at a show a couple of weeks ago and it looked like a united nations summit meeting. and everyone was rolling thick and flossin. chinese latinos black white hindus, samoans it was off the hook. reminds me when i started djing 23 years ago.
there was a dj group on every block............
but you know what im still doing it and they are not. i fell in love with this shit back then and never thought bout anything else.
i learned not to hold my breath for anyone. i just keep pushing, and not everyone has come through with there promises but not everyone has faked either. like berry gordy said "I would rather have half of something than all of nothing". as for sales you got to go out and hustle your shit mein, we'll do a show and sell out then put them in a store and have to go pick up 90% of them back and stop at the carwash on our way home and sell 10 or 20 pieces. even with shows if you sit and wait for some one to call you , you'll be peforming in front of your dog for a long time. But be visible and in the mix with things. shows will come, we did one last night and it was off the chain.
brandon lloyd from the 49ers performed and several local groups it was hott!!
"beats buy", holla at your boy i cant promise you nothing but we can stay in contact if i can help you cool and if you can help me cool, that goes for everyone here, thats why im here...... to network.
everyone looking out for themselves seems selfish..... but i think its part of the game. ever tripp on how many talented people there are in this world but they can hold an awards ceremony with about 20 groups on tv.
you got to go out and get yours ......dont mean to step on no ones toes but im hungry .
i cant help you if i cant help myself. so if i get mines first, i'll pull you up and if you get yours first then help a playa out.
Now I wasn't trying ta put the Bay down. I'll rep the Bay cause it's who I am. We are comin up this year for sure. We are grinding... The artists holdin it down for the Bay are doing it. I'm just talkin about my experiance. 90% of the business has been unpredictable. Like any business, you want to only target clients that do good business. But, I find that most stick with their own click. For me, I'll colab with anyone that is down and want to do good business...
didnt mean to imply you were dissin the bay bruh
but just speaking from experiance this buisness is alot of bullshit
but the real people will bubble
so the ones that fake will be that
and the ones who are real you will see again and again
but i love it and like that tight ass song goes
"thank god for music"
aint that right....murdock
also can i say as far as radio
it is almost impossible to get on but i have had 2 regional hits on the radio
and the first one came easy the dj's put it on for us with a lil push from the label.
but the 2nd one even with a prior hit we still had to hit from the ground up
and we self promoted it and jocked the stations till they did play it it wasnt easy but in the end we got love,
and now we are working two singles and here we go again , its just as hard if not harder cause radio has changed alot in the last 2 years
but we dont think its impossible, and we are applying the same tactics.
we'll just keep banging on their door till they answer
chilldj said:
didnt mean to imply you were dissin the bay bruh
but just speaking from experiance this buisness is alot of bullshit
but the real people will bubble
so the ones that fake will be that
and the ones who are real you will see again and again
but i love it and like that tight ass song goes
"thank god for music"
aint that right....murdock

"thank god for music" Yep! That's the song!
In New Orleans, it was a trend to go out and be the first person with a hot cd that no one on the block had, so that when you pull up bumping that ish knocking pictures off of walls people are like Damn! who's that, where's he from, where did you get it from? when i lived in Texas it was similar to that also but Every other place i've lived Augusta GA, Baltimore MD the market has been harder to break into. I soley blame it on the boot leggers. I mean bootlegging has it's place but damn, it's out of control these days. I think it messed up the evolution sort of like those movies when they go back in time and do something crazy with an insect and then go back to the future to find out that the insect world took over.

Bootlegging in my opinion messed up the balance of things. I used to cop 1 cd for $16-18.00, now you can get 6 bootlegged cd's for $12.00. People today want it cheap, fast and good and most of the time it's hard to give them all three. Too many weed heads, weed hasn't gotten cheaper so now the money they save on music they can put towards more weed. It's funny because cats look at you crazy when you ask them for $10.00 a cd unless you are known.

chilldj said:
also can i say as far as radio
it is almost impossible to get on but i have had 2 regional hits on the radio
and the first one came easy the dj's put it on for us with a lil push from the label.
but the 2nd one even with a prior hit we still had to hit from the ground up
and we self promoted it and jocked the stations till they did play it it wasnt easy but in the end we got love,
and now we are working two singles and here we go again , its just as hard if not harder cause radio has changed alot in the last 2 years
but we dont think its impossible, and we are applying the same tactics.
we'll just keep banging on their door till they answer

Please give us some type of blue print for both times you've gotten your music on the radio, what was different the second time and what you are finding to be different this time.

Thanks man

the radio market is hard but
what we did was we were visble at every show and function
we created such a buzz that the radio almost had to play us or be square
we passed out flyers and stickered every wall, bus stop and club
and on the flyer it said call your radio station and request this shizznit
we gave the people the stations number and had them call a hundred times a day we literally had there number on speed dial
i remember when the stations would answer my phone and say
oh, its that guy again .................
but you know what.......... one day our shit was in the the radios mixshow and next it was in rotaion
we had radio concerts booked and everthing
it was hard work but it worked
radio is owned cross country by a few companies and they got that shit on lock
but its still music and they want to be hip , in the know if yadadamean
once we broke radio in san fran ........................
texas was playing our shit , florida and even new york
we charted billboard and it was all good
sell yo shit folks
hustle n grind like yo life depends on it
I think we gettin better on support here in H-town... Still alot of peeps are keeping there guard up. It's hard because you don't want to be the guy/gal on the short end of the stick when it gets down to it. Basically most of the folks down here been getting fucked over for so long fucking P. Diddy can come through and still get funny looks. Shits shady man.

yo beats buy,
you still aint holla'd at your boy!!!
sup mein
lets network
the yay is blastin
chilldj said:
the radio market is hard but
what we did was we were visble at every show and function
we created such a buzz that the radio almost had to play us or be square
we passed out flyers and stickered every wall, bus stop and club
and on the flyer it said call your radio station and request this shizznit
we gave the people the stations number and had them call a hundred times a day we literally had there number on speed dial
i remember when the stations would answer my phone and say
oh, its that guy again .................
but you know what.......... one day our shit was in the the radios mixshow and next it was in rotaion
we had radio concerts booked and everthing
it was hard work but it worked
radio is owned cross country by a few companies and they got that shit on lock
but its still music and they want to be hip , in the know if yadadamean
once we broke radio in san fran ........................
texas was playing our shit , florida and even new york
we charted billboard and it was all good
sell yo shit folks
hustle n grind like yo life depends on it
I respect your grind Chill. Are you just a DJ, or do you do production too, or are you an artist ?
Beats, Chill would y'all be so gracious enuff to help me get one of my artist off tha ground in the Yay? His name is Trace, he's a true MC, no BS. What I would like to see happen, is that he'll do a calab song with each of you. I'll pay for the track, and if possible get your help with promotion of these songs you do with him, in the area. Right now Trace is staying in DC, working with some of my partenrs out there, but he's was born and raised in Oakland, so he goes back frequnetly. He's been doing shows in DC, and been getting airplay and club play. I posted a couple samples of his work. Let me know if y'all would be interested. Holler back.