Should I upgrade Cubasis???


New member
I have Cubasis VST 4.0 that came with my Emu. Should I upgrade to Cubase SE or is this more of a lateral move and not an "upgrade?"

Halion said:
Do you feel Cubasis is not giving what you need?

No its fine. however I dont really know what I'm missing. Its kind of like a new stomp box. Do I need a phase 90, no , but it does some cool things that I might find a use for
I like Cubasis right now, but for $90, if SE does some things way beyond Cubasis I would spring for it.
I would take the plunge. SE doesn't limit you as much on how many vst's you can have running. I believe it's 16 per track(if you comp is capable of that. Most aren't.).
In that case, yeah, SE will give you alot more to mess with. I doubt you will be able to do the basic editing stuff better with SE than with Cubasis but there are alot more sound design tools in SE.
So if I make the move should my Cubasis files easily transfer into SE?

Thanks for your responses......
estring said:
So if I make the move should my Cubasis files easily transfer into SE?

Thanks for your responses......

Yes. You can import your files into se. However, I don't believe that effects/automation will transfer.
scrubs said:
Yes. You can import your files into se. However, I don't believe that effects/automation will transfer.

Yeah, when I pulled in Cubasis songs the tracks were there, but the mixing was gone.
estring said:
I have Cubasis VST 4.0 that came with my Emu. Should I upgrade to Cubase SE or is this more of a lateral move and not an "upgrade?"

Short answer: Yes!!..
It would be an upgrade, although I dont think there IS an upgrade path for Cubasis VST 4.0 to Cubase SE and if there was I dont think you could upgrade a bundled version anyway...the steinberg site doesnt make much of a reference to Cubasis VST 4.0 anywhere...

I got the same as you...I bought the EMU 0404 card and got Cubasis VST 4.0 and Wavelab lite bundled with it....I was all set to use Cubasis then I realised with horror that there was a limit to the number of VST plugs you could use I was actually thinking of getting Cubase SE also..then i discovered the demo of FL Studio 5 and have decided to go with that instead..its $150...I chose it because i feel that the Cubase series in general are too technical and get in the way of creativity (which is why programs like reason came along) and are a memory hog...I have found FL studio to be a lot less technically distracting when it comes to songwriting....I also needed AUDIO,MIDI plus VST support which FL supports and more too....
By the way, I dumped Wavelab lite for a very cool FREE audio editor called AUDACITY... get it here :

Makes me wonder: Why the hell is Wavelab 5 almost the same price as Cubase SX 3?? If these guys at audacity can do this for free then what the hell are steinberg doing with all their time and money?? ANSWER: MAKING A PROFIT!!....seems like somebody up top needs to get paid, methinks!!
Thanks Lotus, very insightful. I think I came across your "rants" ;) about FL studio on another thread. Though I will probably stay within the Steinberg universe, It just makes me feel more comfortable. I have decided to move into SE.

Thanks everyone