Should I move from Logic to Cubase SX?


New member
Hmm, questions here. being a Logic user, and hearing the impending doom of Logic for the PC platform (if you havent heard, emagic sold Logic to apple, who promptly said they would stop supporting pc platforms..bah)...I'm not sure whether to move over to Cubase.

When I first made my choice a while back, i tried out versions of Cubase, Logic, cakewalk before settling for logic as the 'all singing all dancing' home studio.

Admittedly, it has been like learning to fly concorde from a DIY book, but the results have proven succesful. I wasnt enthused by cubase due to early experience of VS, and from my Atari days...the interface always seemed 'overly' pretty, rather than concentrating on making the kit do the job well.

Aaaanyway, my questions (and I really need to hear from people who 'have' tried Logic, those of you who have only ever used Cubase will undoubtably be biased...):

1) Is Cubase SX simple to use compared to Logic?
2) How flexible is Cubase (can i rewire in reason, how many softsynths can i use, can I midi lots of stuff together both in and out)
3) How good are the onboard effects (Logic has some fantastic EQ/Reverb/Dynamic effects..)
4) Generally what should I do..?

Appreciate the time if you can give me some honest Cubase vs Logic answers...


Logic 5 is great to use if you really want to rake out the time and learn it.. SX.. right now i don't know anything better...
i usually use nuendo but now i use SX(i also have logic 5 that i'm selling)
Sx really is nuendo but with even more features, but no OMF:mad: i've worked on almost every program out.. Logic is strong..stronger than SX..NOPE...
They are. It seems like a really good deal. I would have to imagine they are going to pick up quite a few Logic users who are angry at apple over this.