Should I continue to use this mic for Vocals


New member
I have a MXL 990, I use it to record vocals should I continue use this this mic. Because My Vocals don't always don't come out clear, I just wanted to know was it me or the mic?
i have used the 990 as a main vocal mic in the past. recently, i purchcased an mxl v67g. now, i use the v67g as a close mic and the 990 as a room mic. of course, there is no substitute for a great performance.
Dru3118 said:
I have a MXL 990, I use it to record vocals should I continue use this this mic. Because My Vocals don't always don't come out clear, I just wanted to know was it me or the mic?

This probably doesn't answer your question, but as a FYI the 990 is not a large diaphram condensor, which is what is commonly used as vocal mics. It's a small diaphram condensor packaged in a side address housing.
mindbuzz said:
Well, that's what the guy at Guitar Center told me.
'57. You won't need any other microphones.

You know, I don't know where that comes from. I've heard pro engineers claim "give me a handful of SM57's and I can make a hit record." Well, that's probably true considering how skilled these guys are and the rest of the signal chain, the rooms and the top notch instruments and talent they record, but it also doesn't mean that if you had other mic choices you wouldn't use them. An SM57 is a middle of the road mic that will probably sound OK for most things but usually there's a better tool for the job.
BTW, don't believe anything anybody at Guitar Center tell you, there's some good knowledgable guys, but a lot of them don't know shit