should/how should i gate my set


New member
i want to be able to isolate the individual drums for EQ yet the other drums bleed into mics of drums not being played. cubase has a gate device so do i even need to buy a rack gate system. i was also thinking that if i got a gate would this even allow me to isolate different drums since the snare is the loudest sound frequency on all of my drum mics, except the bass drum mic. great appreciation for any advice/knowledge.
I suppose if you have enough inputs to put each drum on a seperate track, you could gate them. If you are only going to stereo or grouped tracks, then no it will not work.

I don't know why people keep thinking this is the way drums are recorded. You're supposed to mic the kit as one BIG instrument. Not a bunch of individual instruments.

That's like thinking the overheads are just for cymbals. It just doesn't work that way...

Oh, and use of EQ should be a last resort!
PhilGood said:
I suppose if you have enough inputs to put each drum on a seperate track, you could gate them. If you are only going to stereo or grouped tracks, then no it will not work.

I don't know why people keep thinking this is the way drums are recorded. You're supposed to mic the kit as one BIG instrument. Not a bunch of individual instruments.

That's like thinking the overheads are just for cymbals. It just doesn't work that way...

Oh, and use of EQ should be a last resort!

Ditto. The individually miked pieces are simply meant to add more punch to the overall picture.