Shopping for new Taylor 310ce


New member
I'm trying to find one of these for near a grand. Anyone here have any luck finding one for that price new?

I will also consider an all-solid wood Martin cutaway, but I will listen to both again and make up my mind.

I had a chance to play a 310ce a year ago, and really liked it, but the best the local deal appears to want to go is just under $1300. I have not gotten serious with them yet, but once I do, I will walk before I pay them that much.

Looking for any insight on this, and feel free to sell me on a Martin if you feel so inclined.
Have you tried a Larrivee? Awesome sound for under a grand. They have all solid woods and, IMHO, will compete with any Taylor or Martin for under $2k. Just a thought.
You are willing to drop a grand, but not and extra 300? If you find a 310 that you absolutely love playing, its worth more than $1300..........
check taylors site for the list prices..if you can get 35% off of list you're doing great...i bought a 2001 314ce limited edition fo $1,200...about 38% off which was great..

$1,300 sounds a little high for a 310ce.....x10's are less than x14' i've seen is $1,100 on a 310ce...BUT..if you really like the guitar, in the scheme of things, that $200 is it.

when i bought mine i didn't even try to get the price was "the guitar" at the time...and it's been worth every penny..
Thanks for all the advise guys.

I went and checked out and played several all-solid wood Martins, Taylors, and got a chance to play a Larrivee LV-03E as well.

The Taylor won out as far as my preference was concerned. The Larrivee seemed like a great value, and I was torn between that and the Taylor 310ce. I ended up buying the Taylor, and they sold it to me for $1150 out the door. I had three 310ce examples to choose from, and the top on the one I selected was the nicest, and all threet sounded and played awsome. They were great about the whole buying experience, and remembered me from my Les Paul and Mesa Boogie Mark IV purchases.

I'm happy with how it worked out, and they even said I could bring it back and have their Luther do free setup work if I find that it needs it.

Now I need to buy a real cheap accoustic, because there is no way in hell I'm bringing this thing to the beach. :-)