shoot me now!!


New member
I break strings so quickly it's not even funny. I mean like two or three days after I put them on, sometimes the same day! I've tried everything I can think of. I looked for burs on the saddles and did a little filing on them. I've tried thicker guage strings. I know I'm putting them on correctly. Do I just play too rough or what. I really need help!!!!
you have to be a little more specific.
What guage strings
What brand
What kind of guitar
How heavy a pick
Which strings are breaking

If yer using a Gibson-type tune-o-matic bridge/tailpiece you may have too much angle between the bridge and the tailpiece.
I don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence AT ALL, but back in jr high I didn't have a tuning fork, or piano, or anything to tune by, and so I tuned way too high (sounded fine to me lol) and busted strings because of the I was banging rhythm chords with way too much attitude......gibs
I used to have a simaler problem until I started using GHS Boomers. It got a little better but didn't stop until I went from .09's to .10's and the problem went away.
I second that.I have yet to break a string since I started using the .010 set of GHS Boomers around 12 years ago_Of course,you still have to change 'em every now and again!