Shock Mount Problem


New member
Hello all,

I am very new to studio microphones, I bought an AKG Perception 220 used, and I bought an AKG SH-100 shock mount new. I am having trouble using the two together...this might seem like a silly problem to most of you, but I've never used one of these by myself, I've always just seen them being used in studio already assembled. I see a thread (screw-thread, spiral...? Don't know which word to use here, I'm not English, nor American :D ) on the shock mount but I don't see one on the mic itself. Am I missing a component here or what?

Thanks in advance! :)
At the microphone, at the bottom where the connector is. Is there a nut that you can unscrew? Then you put the mic in the shock mount and thread the part on the shock mount onto the threads that now show on the microphone.
At the microphone, at the bottom where the connector is. Is there a nut that you can unscrew? Then you put the mic in the shock mount and thread the part on the shock mount onto the threads that now show on the microphone.

On a closer look, there is a thread inside the mic, but still I can't thread it into the shock mount. I can't find anything to unscrew on the bottom of the mic. Everything looks exactly like on pictures and videos (there is a video on youtube named AKG Perception 220 Set-up) I've found on the net, it seems to slide very easily into the mount but I turn the screwing part of the mount and nothing :( I wonder if the mount or the mic has been passed on to me as genuine and it's not...I hope that's not the case.
Thanks for your detailed answer! My mic and shock mount look exactly the same as the ones you just posted pictures of, and yet for some reason I still cannot get them to work together, even with the method you just described! :( I started asking around if anyone in my area has one of either so I can try it with that and see which of the two might be at fault. This just blows...I wanted to try recording with this setup this week...
Having run into this before myself......complete patience and maybe a little persistence is needed........don't try to force it arcaxis said ....look closely and make sure the threads on either one has not already been damaged....going very slowly "counterclock wise 1st.....if the threads have not been damaged it will go on there and suddenly line up.......if your patience gets the better of you bring it to a local music shop if you have one or have a friend who is gentle with things give a hand......a fresh approach by walking away for a bit and coming back with an "I can do this" sometimes helps!!! Good Luck!!!
Having run into this before myself......complete patience and maybe a little persistence is needed........don't try to force it arcaxis said ....look closely and make sure the threads on either one has not already been damaged....going very slowly "counterclock wise 1st.....if the threads have not been damaged it will go on there and suddenly line up.......if your patience gets the better of you bring it to a local music shop if you have one or have a friend who is gentle with things give a hand......a fresh approach by walking away for a bit and coming back with an "I can do this" sometimes helps!!! Good Luck!!!

I was just struck by how absurd this was; to have to provide advice like this about how a product works. If ever anyone wanted an illustration of bad design and engineering, this must be it.

Having said that, the shockmount that comes with, say, a c414 is a marvel of simplicity: quick and easy to use.
I've got the same mic and shockmount. Hold the mic up to the turning nut steadily and turn the nut (don't turn the mic). It's very easy to tell when you are misthreading it on as it will only go about a 1/4 turn. As suggested, look at the threads on the mic and nut and make sure they aren't all bunged up.
I was just struck by how absurd this was; to have to provide advice like this about how a product works. If ever anyone wanted an illustration of bad design and engineering, this must be it.

Having said that, the shockmount that comes with, say, a c414 is a marvel of simplicity: quick and easy to use.

Gecko zzed
Was it something I said? :):)
No, I haven't tested the mic as far as mounting it goes when I bought it, it was delivered to me by post. The seller is supposed to be very reliable, it would be a huge surprise if he was somehow at fault. My friend's been buying mics from him for years and everything was always fine. The mic itself works, I've tried it without mounting it, sounds beautiful and was a bargain.

It doesn't even feel like the two threads touch each other, I feel like there's a gap between that even possible? I'm travelling to another town in a few weeks where a friend of mine has AKG Perception mics (although not this exact one) and an SH-100 mount, hopefully by trying his stuff out with mine I will be able to figure out which part is the problem: the mic or the mount.

I have been as patient with this as humanly possible, there is definitely something wrong.
Go to the "get your 10 post here" thread and add posts till you get above ten. then take a picture of the mount and the mic, nice up close and personal. Post them here. Then maybe we could get you going.
Okay, problem solved. The almost 100% identical fake mount was the problem. Came in the same box as a real one, everything looks exactly the same, only the thread part is not long enough to reach the microphone's thread and that's why I couldn't screw it in at all. I will post pictures a little later.