
I'm a little dissappointed that someone named "Crom" isn't doing elf metal. :D

It sounds pretty good. Very bright and upbeat.

I probably would have been happier with less crash. Although your crash tone itself is a lot better than a lot of mp3s out there. It's sparkly and not over-compressed.
Good stuff. Two things I hear are - 1) too much symbol, or maybe the way they're panned or mic'ed? 2) The mix as a whole sounds slightly flat or even treble heavy, maybe more bass in the mastering.

I really like the vocals and guitars - especially the lead guitar, and they fit well in the mix.
Misfits and Kiss... interesting company... anyway, I wrote the song.

I recorded it in my basement while my 3 year old played and watched Dora (did you hear her in the mix?).

Drums were done with Reason 3.0, completely with reDrum, and rendered as a stereo track which I imported to Reaper. Reaper would crash when things got too busy so it is difficult to make changes to drum mixes. In fact, that mix is likely lost forever as a result of the last crash (another thread, I'm sure).

Here's my chain for everything else:
Peavey 15 channel eq
Phonic Compressor
SB Audigy 2 soundcard

Only the finest in my studio =) Thanks for the feedback, Lads. Very encouraging!

Great voice, great harmonies, great playing, great song, what else does one need? Maybe a bit less cymbal.....fix that and you're on your way.;)
Nice work!

Joey :):):):)