Shame on Me


Hello again Gunther,
As explained earlier, I'm not sick of this thread...just running out of RAM.
The very 1st thing I tried was an ART compressor between my mixer and the sound card. But, that brought the noise floor up to an unbearable level. So, I axed it. Maybe I should tried adjusting it more. Hindsight tells me that I should have been more patient with my first attempt. But, after spending a couple of days tweaking, I got so confused that I just de-processd, grazed it with some comp & verb and posted so I could get some much needed HELP.
I really do appreciate your time and suggestions. Cause, after all,
what do I know?
you've been taken care of as far as mix suggestions go..

Toki said it best with the 'comfortable listen.' I just finished listening to dtb's tune and it went well with this.. nice voice and guits.. good song.. very easy on the ears.. keep it goin..
Signature voice for sure! Enjoyed your playing as well...really great playing. Signature voice, but you sound like someone i've heard (just a little) but can't put my finger on it just yet. Nice one!
How do folks,

Thanks for stoppin by. As far as the mix goes, I have been well taken care of, thank you.

Thanks for your kind words.
Uh oh! My cover's been blown. I sound like .................

Thanks again. And, try not to work too hard,