Several questions - Please read! :-)


New member
Hello all. This is a fantastic web site and I have been reading it all day and now my eyes feel like two piss holes in the snow. :-)

I am a guitarist of 30 years and have musical ideas all the time that, if not recorded, are quickly forgotten. I have used a Fostex 4-track in the past but I need more tracks and better quality. I would like to go digital and have looked at the Roland VS-1680 and was getting quite serious about it until I started reading this web site and am now wondering if I could get the same results for much less money by getting hardware and software for my PC instead. I checked out Gadget Labs which advertises on this site and they have a card for $280. Could I buy a mixer that runs on my PC for very few bucks and have essentially the VS-1680? I record only one instrument at a time so I ask, do I need a mixer? Do I need a compressor if I want to master to a CD-R?

Drum machines...I've checked out the DR-770 which is very overwhelming. Will this thing put any rhythms down that I can dream up? Must I be a drummer to make it happen? Is there any "wizard" type assistance with the DR-770 for non-drummers who want to make it do rhythms that we have in our heads but couldn't ever accomplish? What if I have every other measure in a song have a different rhythm, could a non-drummer do it?

Thanks Dragon for all the hard work at putting this site together. Can/should I crosspost this message to the other forums since a lot of what I ask applies there as well? Thanks in advance for any replies.
With a $300 soundcard (Gina) and a PII-450
I get 36 tracks without trying to do realtime software effects on the CPU. You have to factor in the price of the multitrack software you'll be needing. But it's not as portable as the Roland unit.
The Dr770 is a great drum machine. It does look a little overwhelming, but once you get the basics down, it is pretty easy to operate and program. The manual, as with most gear, offers little help. The results come when you start experimenting on your own. All of what you asked about is possible for the non drummer.
hi jared..i dont know what the rest of the guys think...but i use the alesis dr-16 i think its called...and its pretty straight can for sure have a different beat for every other measure..NO its on sale for like $ ya may want to consider that

have fun
