Setting guitar/amp tone controls


New member
I realize that this is a very subjective thing and all about finding "your sound," but I have to believe that there is a right and a wrong way to set the tone controls on an amp. I've read that the best way to increase one frequency range is to decrease the other two (if you want more treble, roll off the mids and bass), but I don't really know what to believe. I keep my guitar tone controls right in the middle and basically don't touch them, but the amp is trickier for me. Any tips/suggestions are appreciated.


The right tone settings can really depend on a lot of factors. I mean, from guitar to guitar I usually find myself having to switch settings i.e. some guitars are bassier or have more treble than others (when gigging I usually select guitars that have closer sound). Since I mainly Play rock with a full band, I try to keep my guitars in the higher ranges, so I usually set my bass to about half and my mid and treb to about 3/4's. When playing jazz or by myself, I generally keep it flat so I can hear all the tones naturally. Also, if I'm using a clean and distorted channel, I'll usually turn up the high end on the distortion and keep it flat on the clean. Anyway, it's all very subjective as you said, and it all really depends on the sound you're looking for. Different songs and different styles usually require different settings, and it's all really about what sounds best to you.
I usually end up cutting the lows and boosting highs also. That way the guitar comes through the mix without interfering with the bass. If it's a solo performance then staying pretty flat is probably better.