Ses2sesx Update


Head Cook & Bottle Washer
It has been almost a year since we released our popular ses to sesx session file conversion utility and over that time we have continued to improve it and add more and more functionality.

While all functionality was freely available to AA3 users, owners with earlier versions of AA or CEP were required to donate $20 in order to gain full access to that functionality.

As a show of good faith the donation requirement has been removed and as such all functionality is now freely available in our latest release.

Of course donations of any amount and will be gratefully accepted and personalised registrations for donations over $20 will still be issued.

I hope that posting this does not offend or contravene forum policy but as we are now making the full functionality of this utilty completley free I felt it important that users contemplating trying Audition CS5.5 be made aware that there is a now free utility that will convert their old sessions.

Please feel free to remove this post if I am in error.

Ses2sesx - Bulk Audition/CEP Conversion Utility