servicing/repairing....Akai MG1214


New member
I recently bought one of these and I started taking it apart to clean and give it a service, only I have no idea how to take the tape deck apart as I need to get to the motor. Anyone have any idea on how to go about servicing old analogue gear? thanks
i hated working on those things.... but if ya pm harvey gerst he will probably be able to help... most of the time he hangs in the mic forum...
if you are near Pasadena Ca it's worth it to take it to Dave at VST.
He's the best.

Where you located?

I tried to upload the pdf copy of the manual but it exceeded the bandwidth
for this forum.
I dont have the service book, but you should be able to find that somewhere.
You might have to pay a little, but i found it's invaluble to have one when
working on a tape deck.

Mine is still for sale BTW.
God, it's been years since I had to take one apart, but the top plastic tape covers comes off first, then the wood side panel. There are a bunch of screws that hafta be removed from the top, exposing the electronics and the rest of the stuff under the top panel section.

Then the screws holding the tape section are exposed, letting you remove the entire tape section. I don't remember if there are any screws in the "tape well" that need to be removed. But most of it is pretty obvious once you get in there.
What about the channel strips? I can get the channel up with the buses and the master faders but something else seems to be holding down channels 1-12. any ideas?