Series of Cubase, Mackie 1402VLZ, and Omnistudio (delta 66) questions


New member
1. Alright, well first thing off, I have no idea how to switch tempos in Cubase (I'm very bad with these programs). Was just wondering how I could have one section in a certain tempo/time sig and another in a totally different one. If anyone knows how to do this please share.

2. My band wants to record with mics into my Delta 66 soundcard from my Mackie 1402VLZ (i believe that's what it's called) onto several tracks in Cubase. I was wondering how I do this with a. The mixer b. The soundcard (omnistudio breakout box) c. Cubase?

I understand that this soundcard only has 2 or four inputs to use for separate channels, but I would be more satisfied then with one either way. Do any of you know how to set up Cubase and all to do this? Do I need any special chords? Where do I plug in from the mixer to the soundcard? I have two mic ins on the front of the card and 2 direct ins on the back, but I don't even know how to use the direct ins.

You guys have never failed and any help would be greatly appreciated
first u need cables lots of cables...u are limited to recording 4 instruments at a time unless u want to record multiple instruments on the same track because delta 66 only has 4 analog inputs...u could either use the 2 mic inputs on the omni box for mics and use 2 mic pres on the mackie then stick a 1/4" tip partially into the mackie channel insert to send the signal directly out or u could just use the 4 mackie pre's ...try out both see if the omni box pre's work better then the mackie's..if so try and use those more often...

i don't know anything about cubase i'ma sonar user!