Seperating Drums with Battery in Sonar


New member
Hey guys, I've found the best way for me personally to do my drum track is to just play them myself on keyboard using Battery, But I'm curious what the best way is to go about seperating each drum to an individual track. Do i simply clone the main drum track several times and remove the notes for all the drums aside from the one i want for each track, or is there a better way to go about it? :confused:
After you record your MIDI drum track, go to Process --> Run CAL (or Ctrl + F1). Select "Split notes to tracks.Cal". Insert your source track and destination track. It'll do the job for you... :cool:

hey thanks a ton man, big time saver. One more question and im all set. Why is it that changing the velocity in sonar doesnt seem to have any effect. Ive tried both Cal and just drawing it in. Is there something im missing? Thanks again!
Well, it could be several reasons. For example, does your sample support velocity change? certain samples doesn't change it's sound by velocity (eg.fixed sound). Or maybe you need to config Battery to accept velocity change. I don't have Battery myself, so I'm not sure I can tell you how... :)

The samples themselves have to have velocity layers in order for the midi velocity to trigger them. In other words, you can't trigger what's not there.

If the samples are all one level, then if you hit them at velocity 10/20/'s only going to trigger the one sound it the level it was sampled at.

Velocity layering record soft hits softly, loud hits include the snap and ring...then the velocity is ranged 1-50 (say) produces the soft sound, 50-100 the medium hit sound, 101-127 the hard hit sound ... the more velocity layers, the more realistic the sound.

So what you have is a sample where velocity range 1-127 produces one changing velocity isn't going to change anything in the sound.

That's how I understand it.

Hope it helps.

Thanks guys, I actually have no idea what was going on with it when i posted cause its working great now, maybe i was just too tired. I took some time earlier and read Tweaks guide on making realistic midi drum tracks. Thats probly gonna be a challenge in real time, but I think i can pull it of in parts, like kick and snare on one track, then all the other stuff in additional tracks, then stacking them into one, then splitting the notes for mixing. Looks good in print anyway :p Thanks again guys.