Separate multiple songs in one project to individual projects.


Here is what I have: 10 (32 trk) songs in one project, organized into groups/FX sends and roughly mixed. C6

I would like to move each song to a separate project (including all plugs and routing) before performing any automation and final mixing. Each song starting at 000.

Is there a more accurate way to do this other than deleting all the other songs events, empty trash, move song to 000 and saving as?

Maybe empty pool then saving template and copy audio from original? Will a template save plug presets as well as channel bussing?

The last thing I want to do is screw up the project. I suppose experimenting is a way to learn, but any suggestions would be sweet.


When I record our sessions we usually end up with 3 to 6 takes in one cubase file.

I just "save as" and delete the stuff I am not using and slide the current track to 000

A template should save the presets. You could probably do a save as - clear all the audio - save the template and then copy and paste from your main file - that would probably be faster than saving over and over -

this is a day old so you probably already figured it out :)
Ok, in case someone is curious.......

Delete files not wanted in the arrange window. Use Backup Project and select all options except for Freeze Edits. Creates new project with pool all cleaned up. Rinse/repeat for each song.

Dave showed me the way.