Sensitivity question

Wonder Boy

New member
I just bought a MXL audio buddy and I just hooked it up, but everything is WAY to loud!!!! I don't have a pop filter either, may be that the problem? When I play it back it sounds like someone killed the Bass and the middle, and the treble all the way up. Even if I stand in the back of my room, and play my guitar (acoustic) it's still way to loud!! Whats the problem!!!!?????? :confused:
1) What do you have the gain set at?

2) Are you recording? If so, with what?

3) What are you listening through? Monitors? Headphones? I would hope you're just using your headphones while you record.
Right now I am just talking just to see how the mic picks up the sound, and yes I'm using headphones. My Majix Music Maker( :o ) software isn't working right now so I!!!!! :o Gain, the onlny knob on my preamp for line one, is set to the lowest you can go with out making it so it's shut off. New problem :confused: !! When I record with it down low like that, it makes this very wierd sound like and old record playing right before the song starts.
Are you plugging it into the line input on you soundcard, or the mic input on your soundcard?

It should be plugged into the line input.

The only other thing would be turn down the gain control.
Chances are you have it hooked into the MIC input of your soundcard, or you have selected "Microphone" as your recording device in the Windows volume control thing.

Assuming you're only using one mic at a time, you should only be hearing the sound coming out of the left speaker. If you hear both, it's probably hooked into the microphone jack.
nice one, seems like years since ew've had a good old "never plug into the mic input on your soundcard" thread.

You know how there is three holes on the back of the computer- one for speakers, line in and microphone? Well I have it pluged in at the bottom most hole (not sure if that helps). The sound is coming out of both speakers so I guess its pluged into the microphone input. I think part of the problem also is that the microphone is picking up the sound of my computer humming.
Wonder Boy said:
How do I switch my inputs to line in

If it's a soundblaster card, specifically, the Live! 24-bit, chances are, it uses the same jack for the microphone/Line In.

Either way, you should open up the Windows volume control, which should be at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Go to Properties -> Recording, and check the box under Line In.

Play around and if you don't hear sound, it's hooked into the wrong jack.
oh, i thought it was one of those integrated ac/?? whatever it is, which have 3 holes.. and yeah, you can just go to volume controll, uner properties (under options i think) click recording - ok - and check line in
I was playing with the gain and i noticed that if I put it really low, but still have a signal coming through it has a very small hiss but otherwize it records fine now. One LAST stupid question, when I play my stuff back it somtimes sounds like somone turned the treble real loud, and it sounds like theres a peise of paper stuck in my speakers, and when I listen to it from my headphones it still sounds ther same. Is this my micrphone or windows sound recorder (I'm working on installing my software) or me :confused: ?