Sennheiser Wireless G2 lav kit and Logic Pro 7?!?


Redline Recordings
1. Where is the Logic Pro 7 forum? i see cakewalk, cool edit pro and fostex/alesis... but no Logic Pro, or Pro Tools forum?!? weird.... lol.

2. Sennheiser wireless G2 lav kit: having issues with static/interference when placing the lav mic on someone who is wearing a jacket or clothing covering the antenna/transmitter. Also, doesn't work too well around walls... Is it really not possible to let the subject or interview person wear their overcoat/jacket to cover the transmitter, anyway to get around the static or interference there? otherwise, if in pretty direct line of sight, the Sennheiser G2 wireless kit (true diversity, UHF) has great sound and quality. Thanks!