Seniors & Masters Help Please!


New member
Seniors & Masters Help Please! ("MP3 inside")

First of all, Hi!
It spent a long long time since my last post here. So I'm here again and asking for a new help.
I've just finished to record my new song but I have some mixing doubts.
I posted it in my homepage (this first mixdown file) and I wished you could provide me some feedback about this song. Tell me what's wrong and right? What's cool and bad?
I can't waiting to read your opinions.

So that's the link:
Acid Love Exxxperience -

C u later,

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hey Capitani, It says your song will take 18 minutes to download.. That's a long time.. Why don't you try to put up your song here

It is where most people around here put up songs.. Unless you can put your songs somewhere where they will download faster.. I have a cable modem and it's still taking a long time..People on dialup might have to wait 60 minutes. :eek: You may get more responses this way..

I will still try to listen..

BTW - forget the 'seniors and masters' thing.. They don't comment on songs too much.. They don't comment on my stuff.. I have found there are many people here who aren't 'masters', but they have good ears..
Let me're a Hendrix fan!;-).......and a fan of some of the modern players as well by the sound of those guitar licks.

Cool tune.......sounds as good as most records that have been released in the Rock/guitar genre.

Really good playing.
Re: Seniors & Masters Help Please! ("MP3 inside")

Capitani said:
I have some mixing doubts.

I don't know what those mixing doubts are man. It seemed pretty close to flawless.........maybe a little more bass to beef it up a bit, but it's very tight sounding.......solid performance.......the drums sound good...........good stuff man

That's some nice guitar music right there! I thought it lacked some bottom end, but it was quite good..

@40 seconds, I thought that solo was too low until 1:20.. then it was at a good volume..

There were a few 'brain darts' when I listened loud, like little spikes that jump out and stab your brain, but I only noticed when I had the volume high.. The sound got a bit mid-range/harsh sounding at times, maybe from the lack of bottom end.. I'm sure the 128 mp3 conversion isn't helping..

good stuff! I hear some Vai, Hendrix, lots of good stuff..

Just needs some meat..
After I waited 20 minutes for this to download, you put it on Nowhere as soon as I reply! :D

that's cool, glad you did..
lot's of space to sit down and relax;)

I liked it. You don't need any advice.... good stuff.

maybe pan the drums out a bit wider...but...who cares?
....and maybe a little intro note or two to warn ya on what was coming up!:eek:
"Bottom end"? What do you mean by that?
Could you explain it to me?
And what can I do about the "mid-range/harsh sounding at times"?
Thank you.
ps.:did you really listen to it "loud"?
Man, It makes me very happy ... thanks a lot ... someone I've never seen in my life is listening to my music ... and loud ... :-) ... hehehe ...
hey Capitani, this really sounds good for the most part, so don't listen too much to my comments.. my mixes are usually too bassy. I don't really know how to tell you to make this better, but I would listen to a Steve Vai CD like 'Fire Garden", (first song in particular) and listen to the differences between that and your mix.. You'll see that there is less treble and mid range on the Vai CD.. It's not as harsh, but it's still crisp.. Try to get ideas on how to improve your mix from that.. I listen to a lot of music to try and get ideas on how to make my mixes sound better..

You already have the hard part done, now just make it crankable like a Vai CD..

This already sounds better than a lot of other stuff, but it could be even better..

I don't know if this helps, but it's all I got right now..

I'll be checking out your tunes in the future!
Just listened again for the 5 th time and I swear I can hear some Edgar Winter influence in there.Killer guitar playing man.

R O C K O N !