Senior Project --- Songwriting/Recording


New member

Remember your senior project? Maybe not. Maybe you didn't have one.

In case, you did nott have a senior project. I'll give you a brief although I'm sure there all different depending on where you're from.

It is required to have at least 60 hours (I'm not worried) devoted to your senior project. My senior project is songwriting, so I can count hours for practicing voice, guitar, writing lyrics, or practicing keyboard. Reading books about songwriting. Watching concerts, interviews... anything related to songwriting.

The I-Search is a 12+ paper written from one question in relation to your senior project. I posted the question in an earlier thread to receive some help, which was greatly appreciated. You can check it out here.

The paper's purpose is to prove: what pieces of technology have most impacted music recording?
I choose to break it up into two large topics with multiple subtopics...

Personal Computer
- Hard Drives
- Audio Interfaces
- Monitors
- Recording Software
- Mixing Consoles
Nonlinear Editing
- Overdubbing
- Looping
- Plugins
- Sampling
- Splicing

In order to complete the paper, though, I must have someone who has some experience in songwriting, recording, music --- to conduct an interview related to the paper's I-Search question. Requirement for the paper. Don't worry --- I'll come up with the questions. : )

If you don't think you have enough experience, list what you do have (related to recording or music) in a PM (private message) or in a post. Thanks.

So, if there is a few of you or one of you --- who wouldn't mind replying to my emails. Then, please reply with an email or private message.

I'll also reply to any questions you have --- In case, you're worried.

Thank you.
Hi again,

A couple observations:

Overdubbing isn't really a subcategory of nonlinear editting. Monitors and mixing consoles aren't exactly subcategories of personal computers. You might consider something like this as it may be more accurate in answering your question:

Early Technology
- Magnetic Tape Recording
- Overdubbing & multitrack recording
- Mixers

DIGITAL Audio Interfaces
- Personal Computer
- Hard Drives
- Recording Software
- Plugins

Nonlinear Editing
- Looping
- Sampling
- Splicing (digital version- better called "wave editing" or "audio editing")

Your ideas are centered on the idea that the computer and digital audio has had the biggest impact recording. I pulled the non-digital aspects that you want to cover and put them in the "Early Technology" section. I suggest this for a couple reasons:

1) Its accurate. Those things have nothing to do with the impact you are focusing on in digital technology.

2) A small section of the paper describing what recording was like BEFORE the impact is important. How can your reader understand what digital recording has done if they don't know what it was like before.

3) I know how to write research papers. I used to crank out 20 page papers in 3 days in college. Having the "recording before digital" will help you prove your arguement that digital recording has had the biggest impact on recording.

4) I removed monitors from list. While they are critical for the recording process they don't have anything to do with changing the recording process. Not at the scope you're talking about.

Just my suggestions, of course. Its your paper.

Take care,