Sends and Panning


I'm using Cubase SE and I am trying to apply compression to all of my drum tracks simultaneously. It seemed like the easiest way to do this was to create a group and use the compressor as an insert on the group. My problem is in trying to preserve the panning when sending channels to the group. For instance to send the snare (which is centered) I have to send it to the L and R of the send, using two send slots. That's ok for centered tracks, though redundant. But what do I do for the toms that are slightly panned? I'd have to carefully balance the volume of the two sends. How can I send to a group while preserving panning without creating a lot of work, or is there a different way to do what I am trying to do (apply compression just to the drums, but do it to all drum tracks at once). Basically I've already set my fader and panning on the tracks themselves and I want cubase to use this information in the group.
Don't send the drums to the group using the sends. Above the fader you will see a little box that probably says 'bus 1', click on that and you will see a list of things that you can assign that channel to. One of them should be the group you created. Send all the drum tracks to that group and your panning will stay intact.
he'll need to create a group chanel first or it won't show up on the list under the fader. Good luck


I just answered this somewhere else......don't think you can do a mono group so sending it to a stereo one will preserve your panning