send 3-4 for headphone amp


New member
Hello Folks,

I just got an 1884 Tuesday from ebay, and i'm really amazed thus far!! I don't have a ton of recording experience, but i've dabbled in it for years (digi001), and i'm scratching my head at the moment over my samson S Phone headphone amp.

From searching this site, i found that i should assign a SEND in sonar to outputs 3-4 for my headphone amp connections. So, i did this, enabled the send, and playback works perfectly. However, i can't hear the live recording signals when trying to record, only the tracks being played back. Am i doing something wrong?

I have all of the individual track outputs going to MASTER, then i created the send from the master track to the 1884 analog 3-4.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks dude, you were right. I use sonar producer 4. I just switched outs 1-2 to my headphone amp, and 3-4 to my monitors. Now headphone amp works perfectly, and if i want to monitor real time with my actual monitors, i just need to click the echo on button (enable input monitoring) Latency isn't too bad, don't know about alot of tracks going at once though.

Thanks again!