Self-recorded an EP


New member
Hey guys, I just released an EP. It took me 6 months and around 200 hours of work to complete but it's done. I produced, mixed and mastered the album all by myself. I even created the album art. Take a listen and lemme know what you think!


Sounds good to me.
My only comment really is that the vocal could do with a little more space around it - it's a little difficult to pick out. This could be a simple change to the mixing balance, or you might prefer to bring it out by giving it some space in the frequency domain - eq it to stand out where there's not much else going on in terms of frequency.

I listened to the first two tracks, but will definitely check out the others later. I really like It Never Really Was. That one was very Flaming Lips-ish. Do you remember what you did to get the drum sound on that one? I liked the snare a lot. Nice layered build up towards the end.

I listened to the first two tracks, but will definitely check out the others later. I really like It Never Really Was. That one was very Flaming Lips-ish.

Jinx on FL. I also heard Spacemen 3 (Losing Touch with my Mind) on 'Keep Trying to Feel it'. I super dig this style of music. :)
I like it. Nice composition. The mix is good but if you want that sort of "wall of sound" effect to work you're going to need to do something with the vocals to help them cut through. It's hard to say exactly what, since it's too hard to hear the raw vocal track to even suggest if it's EQ or the mic or whatever. Reminds me of how I used to mix when I hated my vocals. I tended to bury them. As far as I can have no reason to hide yours. Try it one more time.