seeking EQ advice for my voice


I'm seeking some EQ'ing rules of thumb specific to my voice. I know I don't have the greatest pipes, and I know a few months of private singing lessons would benefit me greatly. I will take those lessons as soon as I can afford them, but until then aside from practice, what can I do to take my voice from unlistenable to at least maybe tolerable?

Here is a raw vocal track I recorded while drinking whiskey and jamming with a buddy. I can spend hours toying with EQ and sometimes I feel like I'm making improvements, but then by the end I realize I've made it sound thin or boxy or more nasal or in some way just as the raw recording. Can anyone tell me which frequencies to boost or cut and by how much? Of course this will change with every recording, but as a novice faced with infinite options I need a starting point.
None. Or very little. Maybe just a dB or two at 10k or so if you just have to. Any more and you're just making problems for yourself.
Seems reasonably balanced tone wise. Duck a few breath noises and maybe a bit of high pass for some pops'.
But really, it'll be (more) about a) leveling', and b).. wait for it..
The tones'/'eq it might need? ..Will end up being for how it sits in what ever mix you put it in !
I think it would be wiser to use the EQ for effects, like, when you're singing low, bring down the basses to create a natural form or when high bring it up to screech!