Seeking Audio Editing Software

Metal Marc

Pretend Action Guy (PAG)
Hey, all.

Like others out there, I'm currently dirt poor (single-income military guy with two children) and I'm looking for some free audio editing software available on the Internet. I had been using Sound Forge 4.0 - which came with my soundcard on my old computer - but it no longer works on my "new" machine.

Any recommendations? Please help.

Lost in Oklahoma,
Metal Marc
i'm a puter guy.(this post is not for mac users - only pc)
if forge worked on your old pc it should work on your new one !
providing you have the installation cd of course.
list your new pc config. maybe i can help.
freebies - try audacity, use google to search for "sound engine",
try the old cool edit 96, and there are many others at
or just search google for "free audio editor".
for a cheap pay editor (49 bucks) try powertracks that i use. its also a full fledged recording studio in software and multitracking.
search under my name on this bbs for lots of other info.