seeking advice for newbie recording


New member
Hi, Tom in Ireland... Just trying to find a way to record some of my own tunes.. bit of caveman with I.T. though did teach it decades ago!!! bought the alessis multi track firewire some years ago though didn't have much success.... how has home recording moved on since? and what would y'all recommend for me with acoustic maybe drum machine, vocals and a few overdubs - just basic recording with room to progress and manoeuvre (think I spelled that right)...budget about €5/€600...

.Thanks... go raibh mhait agat
BIG question with a lot of answers in varying complexity. You have to decide what you are trying to achieve (quality of your audio), how much you are willing to spend (budget for equipment), and how much time you want to devote to the recording process (not the playing/writing/rehearsing music, but the recording set up/mixing/automation/rendering/burning/whatever...). These are all constraints competing for your available resources: time, money, skill, patience. From there, maybe narrow your options down into three categories: bicycle, Buick, Cadillac. So on the bicycle end, think of one of those digital four or eight tracks and a decent mic. Maybe a TASCAM DO-006 and a Shure SM-57 with a pop screen. On the Buick end you're looking at a decent laptop, DA interface, DAW (like Studio One), and a few more decent mics. And of course your Cadillac being a full on home recording studio with a sound treated room, better computer dedicated to recording audio, console interface, a whole cabinet of various mics for all kinds of uses...

So yeah, if you're here you're probably in the bicycle or Buick market. Or pogo stick (tape recorder with a built in speaker/mic).

I guess this is the long way of saying if you explain what you are trying to do you will get a better idea if what you'll need to do it.
Hi Joe,
No brainer for me! Native Instruments Komplete audio 6. Two very clean mic pres, two more line inputs (for drum machine/synth?) MIDI +digital I/O. Comes with a "lite" but very powerful copy of Cubase and Kontakt player plus shedloads of downloadable samples.

Mics? Google "SDC capacitors" (aka condenser) ideal on acoustic guitar but versatile enough for vocals. Buy two if you can the latest Rode M5s look very nice.

Your biggest expense, depending on what level of recording you want to attain, will probably be monitors and acoustic treatment. Keep that in mind when you set most of your budget out for mics and an interface!