Secrets of the Pros

Yeah, but how secret can they be if they're in a book. Now if I heard the author mysteriously died then okay...maybe they were secrets that nobody should know. Any chance the author was in the Illuminati?
they also spell "about" as "abouy"
unfortunately, what may be a great product can have its credebility lowered drastically if they dont put much effort into fixing typos like this.

(note: i am not a hippocrite if i misspell stuff in my post b/c i'm not trying to market anything or be proffessional ;) )
Actually the author just had a write up in EQ Magazine. Maybe there is something to this. I do not want to spend $39 on this just to find out he is an apostle of the obvious however.
the fact that they have a book on how to use pro tools like the pros is a big turnoff to me. stuff like that is a hint that they are really catering to the "clueless" demographic.. i wouldn't want to pay 40 dollars for a book that tells me stuff like "try panning to get a wider stereo image" or "low end builds up fast so don't have a lot of it on every instrument"

it might be good stuff.. i don't know.. i didn't read it.

but the website certainly does not inspire confidence.
I agree. The website does not inspire confidence. I've seen too many things hyped up as "secrets" or whatever only to find out it's really the basics. Hell... most of us aren't pro mostly because we can't afford to get all the things we want (nor record the kick ass bands we wish we knew), not because we don't know what to do. Am I right here?
Ok, in the interest of community harmony and to pursue a Myth Busters approach to all things audio, I have ordered the DVD, not the Protools video but the other one. I will report back and save the rest of you $39 or possibly convince you that this is a worthwhile investment.

I'm bored and I have money to burn this weekend. :cool:
i wish you'd given me the 40 bucks.. i could have sent you about a thousand links that would all be just as informative..

you could probably compile a just as worthwhile list of posts from this bulletin board alone.

hey that's not a bad idea..

"secerts of the bbs!" ON SALE NOW ONLY $29.95!
learn to mix your mastars rite! :D
Matheon said:
i wish you'd given me the 40 bucks.. i could have sent you about a thousand links that would all be just as informative..

you could probably compile a just as worthwhile list of posts from this bulletin board alone.

hey that's not a bad idea..

"secerts of the bbs!" ON SALE NOW ONLY $29.95!
learn to mix your mastars rite! :D

If you make it a DVD and put it in a pretty box I will.
Yeah, I'd have to say that it's probably just what it says, the basics.

Behind The Glass by Howard Massey is the best book that I've read, The Mix Engineer's Handbook by Bobby Oswinksi(sp?) is a close second, and the TapeOp book is right in there, too (compiled from the first couple years of the magazine, which everyone here should be subscribing to).

There are still secrets out there, but they're little things, that aren't secrets so much as holes in our individual knowledge.

For instance, Steve Albini uses a mid-side configuration out in front of the drumset (no overheads at all), and both he and Joe Chiccarelli use a mono mic, sort of crammed in right between the rack toms. Who knew? :)
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Ok, I have recieved the DVDs and listened to all 3 hours. My thoughts:

This is actually really good for beginners and intermediates. Lots's of basic stuff but a few golden gems. I learned about 5 very useful tips on the nature of tracking and how to refine things with plug ins. He really goes into the need for quality preamps and quality rooms. Take that, all you guys on the preamps vs mics thread.

If your looking for deep tracking techniques or pro tips, there are about 10 that I came up with.

The "Big Secret" chapter was actually really good but not anything you can't pick up from books, websites etc. regarding room acoustics.

I think for $39 I could have really used this about 5 years ago. It can really jumpstart someone just getting into recording. Lot's of useful tips many of which can be found on this site if you want to take the time to do some searches. It consolidates the whole process of recording into a very easy to follow and well presented format.

The downside for me was that it was all demo'ed in Protools but this was not a show stopper. You can follow what he is doing if you are familiar with Sonar, DP, Cubase, Nuendo etc.

I give it a thumbs up as there is quite a good education for even those who have done this for awhile. The Neve console was fun to gawk at too.
