Searching for the name of a particular classic piece.....!


New member
If anyone seen the "Treehouse of Horror XII" episode of "The Simpsons"? I like to know what the name of the song that was playing in the background when Lisa was doing her dragon levitation at the magic recital?! The song is a classic piece that is played alot on numerous tv shows, specially when they are doing some fast action stunts or what not. The Today Show (NBC) had it played in the background a few times during some of thier running segments!

Thanx !! :o)

Any chance at getting a sound clip? Amazon has it on sale, so I'm guessing you might own a copy...
not really, i just watched on TV last night.. and heard that one particular back ground song for that segment and it was an old song that i used to hum all the time for years hehe!.. and never knew the name of it!
hehe ok this is an old thread..i forgot i had posted it .. 7 years ago?!! hehe Anyways, i figured I would post the title of that song since i found out what it was a few years back. it is called SABER DANCE!! :O)
hehe yeah i just thought it was kinda funny that i posted the original post over seven years ago.. to find out what that song was .. it drove me nutz.. i could never get it out of my head.. i still have it in my head.. hehe but i forgot that I posted that message..and since then i found out what the name of the song was... so i thought it would be humourous to reply back to this message so that way people wont be wondering for ANOTHER 7 years what the song was that i was talking about hehe. I apologize to everyone for making them wait THIS long hehehe!!
Why wait for me?! I dont care WHO WROTE it.. just WHAT the NAME of the song was.. if you wanna know WHO wrote it just look it up on WIKI it will tell you... duhh!!
I am sorry.. I just thought you were just being ignorant like some people I see on other forums.. My apologies!