Se-cur-i-ty (A 9 11 song)

Irwin abrigo

Active member
This is a 9 11 song.
Need feedback, what do you think guys!


looking here looking there
checking top and bottom
In the bags suitcases your pocket
shirts and pants
Rubbing my hand through your hair
Look into your eyes
and don’t you even dare
ask me why or I’ll say

It’s my job
I’m a security man
Security (is my job)

Since that day September Eleven
year two thousand and one
I’ve been being on the alarm
Walking the streets without fear
look into your face
and don’t you even dare
ask me To explain or I’ll say.

It’s my job
I’m a security man
Security (is my job)



©2006 Irwin Byron Abrigo
All rights reserved
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Is this a rap song or something? Just curious...

I don't like the lyrics to be honest.
The syllabification of security is awfully similar to THE song SECURITY. You'll have to be careful of such things.
What is this obsession with year two thousand...?
We didn't say year ninteteen ninety nine did we?
I think back to In the year 25 25... Zaeger & Evans - (GREAT soong - rotten album). Perhaps it's to blame!
I think you need to give an idication of the delivery/attitude of the performance - is it menacing, fatcatish, paranoid, Bushed?