SCA pre's vs. the world


New member
I dont understand why anybody in there right mind would pay $2000 for an avalon preamp when you can get a virtual neve 1072 or api 512 for less than half of that , and i can tell you that none of todays pres match the character of tone that the old ones do ,thats strictly my opinion but i also believe theres no substitute for a cranked up tube amp ,and thats a sound that no pod, cyber sucker or any other piece of crap wonder box can do, but anyway if anybody is looking for an awsome set of D.I.Y pres go to seventh circle ,by the way i dont work for these people in any way tim just makes a awsome pre and they have good customer service , before i shut up i'll tell you i have a pair of telefunken 676's from 1969 in top working condition and if i would have known about SCA pres before i bought it i would have saved the money and bought a couple of sca pres instead not that the tele sonds bad by know means i love it , its just the price to quality ratio is awsome.
was that a question?????

oh and if your gonna bitch about your pre amps,
just f'n send them to me

the quietest pre i own is a dmp3, so cram it up your but
No im saying that seventh circle pres anre the best bang for the buck ,and yes i love my pres and the only thing ill send you is a steaming pile of shit
I'd hate to see who your english teacher was. I don't think I've ever seen a longer run-on sentence with such bad punctuation and typos.
Did I miss a chapter? Who cares what you think? Is Chessrock mediating? You have your opinion and you are welcome to it, but if we all follow you and you run off a cliff (insert lemmings cartoon here) will we be better off? And lastly, keep your poo pile to yourself!
I agree with his opinion, to some extent. I've heard nothing but rave reviews of the SCA, so it's hard for me to see why you'd buy an Avalon as well, especially since they get such mixed reviews.