saving & dumping


New member
1. Where does the MR8 save songs? On the card? Internally?

2. After saving maybe 12 songs, can you just dump all 12 into the computer in a wav file for making CD's?

3. If not, do you have to dump them each time after you have edited them and have them ready for making a CD into the computer?

4. If you have to dump them in after each song, I guess you just save then in the MR8 to reload for doing any editing before dumping into the computer to make CD's?
Thanks for all of the help,
The MR8 stores music on a CF card. It comes from the factory with 128Meg card, which gives you approx. 24 minutes of track time. I don't think you will be able to store 12 tunes on that card.

I have done it numerous ways, but lately I've been doing 4 tracks and bouncing to 5/6 and then dumping the virgin tracks to the computer, and using 5/6 as a scratch track. I do it that way because my playing is so poor, I am usually replacing tracks.

bdbdbuck said:
I do it that way because my playing is so poor, I am usually replacing tracks.


That's the biggest load of bull I've heard.

Don't believe what he says everybody. This guy can play.