saving as wav


New member
I cant get cubase to save as a you can see I am a newbie. I have been in music for some time but have never recorded. I like cubase over all the others. But how do I save this dam#$ file as something that someone can listen too? Please help this newbie!!!
In 5.1 you click the "Export Audio" button on the main mixer. SX probably does something similar...


What I figured out was that SX was dependent on what the time signiture was. It used it to decide what it would copy...Some how the time signiture had set itself to 3 seconds before end. Resulting in a very small file with no sound. An oversight by this newbie.

By the way...I am completely cubased out. I tried Sonic...I didn't like it at all. SX Cubase rocks. I have total contol over the sound and its relative mix. Maybe I can get the same in SOnic but I couldnt even record a track in sonic and have 16 tracks mixed with effects in cubase.
Right up on the tracks, where the compass numbers are, select with the thick blue horizontal line the lenght of the song you want to export. Then go to file - "export audio mixdown". Be sure you don´t have some tracks muted.
Hope it helps.

I pretty quickly figured out what I had done wrong. But thank you for the replies. And I want to say that I appreciate how you never made me feel stupid for asking such a stupid question...thanks again.